Digital Gift Card


Digital Gift Card

Looking for a last-minute gift? Our digital gift cards are the perfect gift whether it’s your friend, mum, brother or granddad you want to spoil. Choose your desired amount, fill in the form and place your order at the checkout. The recipient (or the email address you enter in the recipient field) will receive an email with a unique gift code with the amount you have chosen. The code will be sent on the appointed date or within a few minutes if you choose to send directly. The unique code is then entered at checkout when an order is placed and the amount is deducted from the order. It’s that simple!


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World-leading products

of high quality produced in Sweden, Alingsås! Very inspiring.

Magnus Blad
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How does a digital gift card work?
A digital gift card is a digital gift card that you send to the recipient via email. The email will contain a unique code linked to the card, which the recipient will use to purchase the products of his or her choice.
What does the email to the recipient look like?
When you order and fill in the form, you will receive a small preview of information that will be included in the email. The recipient will be able to copy the code, read it as a QR code or print it via the pdf file provided.
Digital gift cards are convenient and secure
Unlike physical cards, which can be lost or stolen, digital cards are both convenient (easy to buy) and secure (the amount is always safe). Because of this, digital gift cards are the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it’s for Christmas, a birthday or if you just want to spoil someone you love. . The perfect gift whether it’s for a friend, colleague or family member. Delivered directly to the recipient’s inbox, digital gift cards are a quick and convenient gift option.
Because they are digital, the gift cards are much faster than physical gift cards – perfect as a last minute gift! You don’t have to pay for postage, print anything or wait. The card is sent immediately (or on the selected date) to the recipient. Most people receive their digital gift within minutes.
In which stores can I use the digital gift card?
The gift card is only valid in our own online shop here at or if you buy directly through someone working at Speedheater’s headquarters. The gift card cannot be used at our retailers.
How long is the validity period?
Our gift vouchers are valid for 12 months after being sent to the recipient. After that, the code becomes inactive.
Can I combine several gift vouchers in the same purchase?
We have limited possibilities to solve this technically on our website, but we can help you manually. Welcome to contact us on tel: +46 (0)31 336 85 50 or mail:
Do I have to use the full amount in one purchase?
When you enter the unique code, the full value of the gift card will be deducted from your order unless the gift card amount is higher than your order value. In this case, the remaining amount will remain on the gift card and you can use the code also at the next purchase. However, the gift card must be used within 12 months of being sent to the recipient.
My recipient has not received his gift card, what do I do?
No problem, contact us on tel: +46 (0)31 336 85 50 or mail: and we will help you.
Other questions?
Welcome to contact us on tel: +46 (0)31 336 85 50 or mail:


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